Terms & Conditions
The Terms and Conditions page unveils the legal and privacy notices about the entire processing of the data collected and further shielding the personal details on our website Onlinechat247.org. The below points detail the terms and conditions of the company.
- Acknowledgement of the Terms: You agree to all the Terms and Conditions of Use when you land to the website and are compelled to agree all the rules, regulations and laws. The entire product and services mentioned in the website is safeguarded by applicable copyright and trade mark law.
- Work Assignment by Terms & Conditions: Once you sign the terms and conditions, Sagechatsupport.com will involve into the jobs and services specified in it. Failing to sign the Terms & Conditions document and provide other written or electronic authorization to go ahead with, it will be considered acknowledged herein.
- Authorized People for the Task: We have an authorized supervisor who takes care of all your task. He will take all the responsibility to systematically complete all your work fruitfully. The in house dedicated and qualified team will undertake all the tasks under supervision. The administrative nature work will be undertaken by our expert support team.
- Our Responsibility: The approach will be attempted by the specified work with professional skills and promptness and will put our effort to keep you updated with the work progress.
- Total Fees and Costs: The entire approach and skills involved is to garner the accurate estimate at the same time do not take it as a fixed quote. The estimate might alter (high and low) considering the nature of work and time needed to complete it. The total cost will be not comprising the disbursements or additional costs. (Additional costs include the professional fees and GST that you agree to pay all costs incurred by us, including the administrative uplift charges or charges to reflect the cost of offering these services.
- Accounts & Provisional Fees : According to the payment terms it is 14 days and itemized accounts will be attached once the work is completed or at intervals if the work nature is complex and long time is needed to complete it. A payment plan might be offered that incorporates direct debit payment authority.
- Payment Mode: With this you agree to pay all the due amounts in the specific time period only if acknowledge in writing by a representative of the Onlinechatsupport after 30 days.
- Breach: In case you breaching these Terms and Conditions Sagechatsupport can sue for money owing for failing to pay for any product or services on the due date or breached the conditions and failed to sort it out within the notice period or commit insolvency or permit a judgment to be enforced against you.
- Disputes: If the services delivered are irrelevant and you prove us that the information provided by you was incorrect we will provide the services and information again within 14 days of the notification date without any additional costs. In case there is any other problem you have to provide written notified reasons within 14 days after the work is delivered.
- Destroy Work Files: After completion of seven years to the completion of the work we will destroy your files permanently.
- Termination of Agreement: The agreement can be terminated in case there is a conflict of interest in the midway such as: Breaching the agreement criteria; failing to provide adequate instructions, unable to pay accounts when due or provide money to be paid into our Trust Account.
- Seek Advice: Fetch authentic advice if you are willing to relate to the agreement before you sign it to ensure you are through with the terms and conditions.
- Right to Refine Terms and Conditions Right to improve the terms and conditions are reserved in a written notice of the amended clauses to your postal address or email address mentioned on the agreement. You are authorized to accept the changed Terms and Conditions until & unless you provide a written notification that too within seven days.
- Set-off: Your agreement is necessary when we set-off any credit amount that we owe to your business against any debt due by you to us at our sole discretion or you are not designated to withhold payment in respect of any alleged set-off or claim against us.
- Waiver: The waiver of our rights under this agreement must be in written and signed by an authorized representative of the OnlineChat.Support.
- Cloud Security: You agree that you will be purely responsible for the security of your computer and the information stored on any third-party computer that can be accessible from cloud. You are responsible to follow the right measures to ensure tight data security.